What Are IT Environments And What Is Their Function?


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What Are IT Environments? 

While creating software systems, a developer uses a series of hardware and software tools collectively known as software development environment (SDE). An SDE or IT Environment is used for representing “phases” in the application development cycle. 

A software development process involves a messy creation part happening in the background. You definitely don’t want your users to view every raw part of your application development process. 

To ensure regulating precisely what people can see when they have access to the app, software development teams utilise IT environments to depict “stages” of the app, which they consider fair for releasing.

Types Of IT Environments 

Every IT environment has its own specific function. IT environments have various standards that are applicable in the industry. Although there are certain common aspects. Almost every software creation process begins with the “development” phase and concludes with the ‘production phase. 

However, Different organisations belonging to different disciplines have their unique purposes and policies, determining when and how every environment is utilised.

The most commonly used IT Environments include- 

  • Development Environment 
  • Beta Environment 
  • Production Environment

What Is The Function Of the Development Environment? 

As the name suggests, the development environment is utilised for building or creating your software application. Using accurate IT management tools, developers complete a significant portion of their work in this environment. 

Typically, the local computers are used for setting up a development environment. A Git repository enables the work inside the environment. 

The application end-users and your clients do not have visibility to anything done in the development IT environment unless you provide them access. 

Once your software team has developed an application version ready for release, they can “launch” the new version to the beta environment. 

An IT Environment manager ensures that relevant, high-quality environments are available for the development and other associated teams wherever required.

What Is The Function Of the Beta Environment? All the testing of your application is performed in the Beta environment. However, prior to release from development to beta, your team will usually copy the currently available version on the production environment down to beta. 

This allows testing both the new code and assessing how the next release will affect the functionality of the application version that is currently live. 

This stage can be used for various purposes: 

  • To test the new functionality, 
  • To demonstrate the newly developed work to the product owner 
  • Perform testing with users and get suggestions that can be incorporated
Generally, the application version in the beta environment is live. However, it has private or limited access only to the people with the correct URL. Additionally, you can keep the beta version locked down behind a login wall. 

Once the feedback is incorporated, thorough testing is done, and the software is ready to get publicly released, your team deploys the application codebase from the beta environment to the production environment.

What Is The Function Of the Production Environment? 

The “production” is the last IT environment. It contains the codebase of the application version that’s ready for public release. 

The codebase should be deployed into the production environment only after thorough testing. 

You can even use this IT environment as a repository to store the public-ready application codebase until the URL is universally shared.


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