A Comprehensive Guide To Data Compliance
In the current digital era, businesses belonging to almost every industry hold tons of data. With such incredible amounts of data, a huge raft of responsibilities ensues. When you process data, you are responsible for how you store, share, use, and protect sensitive information as a business. And that’s where data compliance solutions come into play. The right to privacy is considered an essential human right. Therefore, for safeguarding this fundamental right, most countries, governments, and industries integrate Privacy into regulations such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GDPR, CCPA, etc. However, as an organisation dealing with a vast range of data sets, you might find dealing and complying with the increasingly stringent regulations more and more challenging. The diversity in communication channels and increasing collaboration with 3rd party agencies make the process of data compliance even more diabolical. If the data used in the testing, production, and quality analys...