4 Effective Practices For Test Environment Management
Since the dawn of technology-driven processes and increased demand for automation, IT landscapes have undergone a paradigm shift. Businesses want a shorter time to market, maintain quality while acquiring a lower cost for ownership. And that’s not the end. Now organizations need to keep up with the modern trends to stay afloat in the present competitive market. Social media marketing, big data solutions, and multi-channel solutions are the few trends to add to the list. The increased complexity of the current demands placed on solution delivery life cycles leads to release schedules slide or lengthen organically over time. Why is Test Environment Management Important? Weak test environment management leads to an array of challenges for the organization- System instability resulting in delivery disruption. Slow, untimely, and manual IT environment service operations. Environments unfit for purpose, i.e., not supporting DevTest. Over-proliferatio...